Christopher Wickman

Christopher Wickman
Mr. Wickman joined the Nichols Law Firm in September 2018 after having his own solo practice for almost seven years. His practice at the Nichols Law Firm focuses on representing those accused of crimes by the government – misdemeanors and felonies ranging from operating a vehicle while driver’s license was suspended or while intoxicated to murder or criminal sexual conduct – at trial and in appeals.
Mr. Wickman obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy from Michigan State University’s James Madison College with a specialization in Political Science. He obtained his Juris Doctor from Temple University Beasley School of Law in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Temple University and moved home to the East Lansing area before settling in Lansing 3 years ago.
Mr. Wickman is currently a co-chair of the Ingham County Criminal Defense Law Section which has the mission of sharing knowledge related to emerging and important topics specific to criminal defense with the purpose of increasing the quality of legal assistance provided to individuals who find themselves accused by the government of crimes. He previously was a Director and Past-President of the Ingham County Bar Association Young Lawyers Section. Through his almost eleven years with the Ingham County Bar Association, he has served as the educational programs chairperson, served on the Ingham County Bar’s Bench-Bar Committees helping to set up and organize presentations for the bi-annual bench bar conference between the local bar and the county judges, and been involved in numerous other activities of both the Young Lawyers Section, the Criminal Defense Law Section, and the ICBA generally. He formerly served as a Councilman for the State Bar of Michigan Young Lawyers Section.
Mr. Wickman is a member in good standing of the State Bar of Michigan, a member of the Criminal Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan, a member of the Ingham County Bar Association, and a member of the Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan. In 2016, Mr. Wickman was named to the Top 5 Under 35 by the Ingham County Bar Association. He is a frequent donor with the American Red Cross having donated over 51 gallons of whole blood products to date.